Workshop/FDP/Training Organised by Staff

Academic Year 2024-25

Sr. No. Name of faculty  Workshop Name Duration Organized Under
01 Prof. S. K. Naik

Localized Sustainable development

07/10/24 To 11/10/24 Dr Bapuji salunkhe Institute of Engineering and Technology.
02 Prof. S. K. Naik

Recent Advancement in civil Engineering-RACE 24

28/08/24 TO 30/08/24 Zeal Polytechnic Pune.
03 Prof. S. K. Naik


11/07/24 TO 12/07/24 DKTE’S Yashwantrao Chavan Polytechnic Ichalkaranji
04 Prof. A. V. Hajare

Recent Advancement in civil Engineering-RACE 24

28/08/24 TO 30/08/24 Zeal Polytechnic Pune.
05 Prof. A. V. Hajare


11/07/24 TO 12/07/24 DKTE’S Yashwantrao Chavan Polytechnic Ichalkaranji
06 Prof. R. S. Chougule


11/07/24 TO 12/07/24 DKTE’S Yashwantrao Chavan Polytechnic Ichalkaranji
07 Prof. R. S. Chougule

2nd Series of Geotechnical Engineering Practices and it’s sustainable development -2024

18/06/24 To 22/06/24 Ballari Institute of Technology and Management, Ballari
08 Prof.R.M. Bandgar

Recent Advancement in civil Engineering-RACE 24

28/08/24 TO 30/08/24 Zeal Polytechnic Pune.
09 Prof.R.M. Bandgar


11/07/24 TO 12/07/24 DKTE’S Yashwantrao Chavan Polytechnic Ichalkaranji
10 Prof.K.K.Patil

Localized Sustainable development

07/10/24 To 11/10/24 Dr Bapuji salunkhe Institute of Engineering and Technology
11 Prof.K.K.Patil

Recent Advancement in civil Engineering-RACE 24

28/08/24 TO 30/08/24 Zeal Polytechnic Pune.
12 Prof G.S.Kavathekar

Localized Sustainable development

07/10/24 To 11/10/24 DKTE’S Yashwantrao Chavan Polytechnic Ichalkaranji
13 Prof. D. V. Phadtare

Localized Sustainable development

07/10/24 To 11/10/24 Dr Bapuji salunkhe Institute of Engineering and Technology
14 Prof. D. V. Phadtare

Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG

July-Aug 2024 Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
15 Prof.K.K.Patil

Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG

July-Aug 2024 Indian Institute of Science Bangalore


Academic Year 2023-24

Sr.No. Name of faculty  Workshop Name Duration Organized Under
01 Mr. A. V. Hajare

Blast Resistant Design And Intelligent Transportation System

27 Feb-28 Feb, 2024 Civil Department, DKTEYCP

Workshop/FDP/Training Attended by Staff

Academic Year 2022-23

Sr.No. Name of faculty  Subject Duration Organized
01 Ms. S. U. Patil Inernational Workshop on Construction Material 13 -17 December 2022 International Organisation of Construction Material
02 Ms. S. U. Patil Inernational Workshop on Construction Material 18-19 December 2022 International Workshop on Construction Material
03 Mr. R. M. Bandgar Transforming Teachng Learning Through Modern Pedoalogical Techniques 8 -13 August 2022 Vidyalankar,Polytechnic
04  Mr. R. M. Bandgar Geotechnical Engg Laboratory 4 Week NPTEL-AICTE
05  Mr. R. M. Bandgar Advancement in Civil Engg 23-27 August 2022 Yashoda Technical Campus
06 Mr. S. K. Naik Transforming Teachng Learning Through Modern Pedoalogical Techniques 8 -13 August 2022 Vidyalankar,Polytechnic
07 Mr. S. K. Naik Geotechnical Engg Laboratory 4 Week NPTEL-AICTE
08  Mr. S. K. Naik Advancement in Civil Engg 23-27 August 2022 Yashoda Technical Campus
09  Ms. S. U. Patil Geotechnical Engg Laboratory 4 Week  NPTEL-AICTE
10  Ms. S. U. Patil  Advancement in Civil Engg  23-27 August 2022 Yashoda Technical Campus
11 Mr. A. V. Hajare Transforming Teachng Learning Through Modern Pedoalogical Techniques 8 -13 August 2022 Vidyalankar,Polytechnic

Academic Year 2020-2021

Sr.No. Name of faculty  Subject Duration Organized
01 Mr. R. S. Chougule Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory July-Aug 2021 IIT Bombay, Swayam
02 Mr. M. S. Shingade Recent Innovation in Geotechnical Engineering 05/06/2021 MGM’s Polytechnic, Aurangabad
03 Mr. M. S. Shingade Energy and Environment Science, Technology and Management for Sustainable Development 20/05/2021 to 25/05/2021 Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune
04 Mr. M. S. Shingade Introduction to Moodle for Teaching Learning Process 03/05/2021 to 08/05/2021 K. K. Wagh Polytechnic, Nashik, Maharashtra
05 Mr. M. S. Shingade E- Tendering: A Construction Contract Biding 31/03/2021 to 02/04/2021 MAEER’S MIT Polytechnic and MIT-WPU School of Polytechnic & Skill Development, Pune
06 Mr. M. S. Shingade Implementation of National Education Policy – 2020 25/03/2021 Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Yadrav
07 Mr. M. S. Shingade Reimagining and Rethinking Engineering Education: A Key in Technical Innovation in Engineering Transformation 18/03/2021 to 20/03/2021 K. D. K. College of Engineering, Nagpur
08 Mr. M. S. Shingade Recent Trends in Green Energy Technologies 15/03/2021 to 19/03/2021 Government Polytechnic, Bramhapuri
09 Mr. M. S. Shingade Innovations in Concrete Technology 12/03/2021 to 18/03/2021 Yashwantrao Bhosale Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg
10 Mr. M. S. Shingade Scientific Approach to Vastushastra in Building Planning Part-II 21/01/2021 to 26/01/2021 Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Yadrav
11 Mr. S. K. Naik E- Tendering: A Construction Contract Biding 31/03/2021 to 02/04/2021 MAEER’S MIT Polytechnic and MIT-WPU School of Polytechnic & Skill Development, Pune
12 Mr. S. K. Naik Implementation of National Education Policy – 2020 25/03/2021 Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Yadrav
13 Mr. S. K. Naik Reimagining and Rethinking Engineering Education: A Key in Technical Innovation in Engineering Transformation 8/03/2021 to 20/03/2021 K. D. K. College of Engineering, Nagpur
14 Mr. S. K. Naik Innovations in Concrete Technology 12/03/2021 to 18/03/2021 Yashwantrao Bhosale Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg
15 Mr. R. S. Chougule Scientific Approach to Vastushastra in Building Planning Part-II 21/01/2021 to 26/01/2021 Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Yadrav
16 Mr. R. S. Chougule Reimagining and Rethinking Engineering Education: A Key in Technical Innovation in Engineering Transformation 18/03/2021 to 20/03/2021 K. D. K. College of Engineering, Nagpur
17 Mr. R. S. Chougule Implementation of National Education Policy – 2020 25/03/2021 Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Yadrav
18 Mr. R. S. Chougule Job Role On Site Engineer & Opportunities for Civil Engineers 29/05/2020 Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering 2nd shift Polytechnic Tathawade Pune
19 Mr. R. M. Bandgar Analysis and Design of RCC Building by using Staad Pro 07/07/2021 P. S. R. Engineering College
20 Mr. R. M. Bandgar Recent Trends in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering-2021 11//06/2021 to 12/06/2021 MGM’S Polytechnic, Aurangabad
21 Mr. P. S. Redekar Implementation of National Education Policy – 2020 25/03/2021 Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Yadrav
22 Mr. P. S. Redekar Reimagining and Rethinking Engineering Education: A Key in Technical Innovation in Engineering Transformation 18/03/2021 to 20/03/2021 K. D. K. College of Engineering, Nagpur
23 Mr. A. V. Hajare Exposer on Recent advancement in construction industry 22/02/2021 to 26/02/2021 DKTE’S yashwantrao Chavan Polytechnic Ichalkaranji
24 Mr. A. V. Hajare Hands on workshop of Total Station, G.I.S. & G.P.S. 26/12/2018 TO 30/12/2021 DKTE’S yashwantrao Chavan Polytechnic Ichalkaranji
25 Mr. A. V. Hajare Scientific Approach to Vastushstra in Building Planning Part-II 21/01/2021 to 26/01/2021 Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Yadrav
26 Mr. A. V. Hajare Cast-In-Place Concrete Pipe 18/03/2021 to 20/03/2021 K. D. K. College of Engineering, Nagpur
27 Mr. A. V. Hajare Implementation of National Education Policy-2020 25/03/2021 Sharad Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Yadrav
28 Mr. A. V. Hajare Innovations in Concrete Technology 12/03/2021 to 18/03/2021 Yashwantrao Bhosale Polytechnic College, Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg
29 Mr. A. V. Hajare Productivity Parameters in Construction 23/10/2021 to 24/10/2021 Shivajirao S. Jondhale Polytechnic, Asangaon

Workshop/FDP/Training Conducted

Sr.No. Name of FDP State/National Level Date/ Duration
01 “Research Methodology” Institute 06/02/2022 to 08/02/2022
02 “Impact of corona epidemic on construction industry” Institute 04/03/2022
03 “Steel Design of RCC structure and demonstration” Institute 02/02/2019
04 “Exposure on recent advancements in construction industry” State 22/02/2021 to 26/02/2021
05 “One Day Workshop on “Understanding CO PEO PSO in revised NAAC structure” Institute 15/02/2019
06 “Hands on workshop of Total station, GIS and GPS” State 26/12/2018 to 31/12/2018

Expert Lecture Conducted

Academic Year 2021-2022

Sr.No. Name of faculty  Subject Semester Name of Inviting Faculty

Mr. Bajirao kamble


III Mr. M. S. Shingade
02 Mr Amanulla L. Mulla MOS(Moment of inertia) III Mr. R. M. Bandgar

Mr Dhaval Bagawade

AutoCAD Software III Mr. A. V. Hajare

Mr. Aniket Patil

EAC (Rate analysis)

V Mr. V. A. Patil

Mr. S. S. Bhagate

Basic physics (Semi -Conductor)

I Mr. P. B. Shinde

Mr. M. H. Kalawate

Soft skill

I Mr. D. H. Chavan

Academic Year 2020-2021

Sr.No. Name of faculty  Subject Semester Name of Inviting Faculty

Mrs. N. B. Dhayarkar

Photo Electricity (BSC)

I Mr. P. B. Shinde

Academic Year 2019-2020

Sr.No. Name of faculty  Subject Semester Name of Inviting Faculty

Mr. Abhishek Patil


VI Mr. P. B. Shinde

Mr. Dhaval Bagwade

Emerging Trends in Civil

V Mr. R. S. Chougule

Mr. Sudhir Hanje


VI Mr. R. M. Bandgar

Mr. Shashank Patil


VI Mr. S. K. Naik

Mr. Raju Kage


III Mr. A. V. Hajare

Mr. S. P. Patil

Trigonometric Ratio (BME)

I Mr. R. S. Byakuday

Mr. P. C. Mhetre

Catalysis (BSC)

I Mr. D. H. Chavan

Mr. S. S. Solapure

Role of verbal (ENG)

I Mr. D. M. Bhosale

Mr. P. C. Mhetre

Water Treatment (BSC)

I  Mr. D. H. Chavan

Mr. Yogesh Tamayche

Personality Development

I Mr. S. M. Swami

Mr. B. J. Danole


I Mr. R. S. Byakuday

Academic Year 2018-2019

Sr.No. Name of faculty  Subject Semester Name of Inviting Faculty

Mr. V. A. Patil


VI Mr. S. K. Naik

Mr. V. A. Patil

RBE (Bridge Engineering)

IV Mr. M. S. Shingade

Mr. A. U. Lotake


IV Mr. A. V. Hajare

Mr. N. B. Kumar


VI Mr. A. V. Hajare

Mr. Raju Kage


III Mr. A. V. Hajare

Mr. A. U. Lotake


III Mr. A. V. Hajare

Mr. Raviraj Nippankar


I Mr. D. H. Chavan

Mr. P. C. Mhetre

Water Treatment (BSC)

I Mr. D. H. Chavan

Expert Lecture Conducted

Yashwantrao Chavan Polytechnic, Ichalkaranji

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