– Digital Library of 10 PCs is open for the Staff and Students.
– Reprography (Photo Copy) selection is available for students and staff in minimum cost.
– On line Public Access Catalogue.
– Book Bank Facility for Top 5 Students from each class.
– Book Bank Facility for SC/ST Category Students (SWD) Fund
– Open Access is offered to students and staff.
– Students can take 3 books for 09 days on Borrower Cards.
– Staff Members can take 5 books for the period of one month as per their requirements.
– C.A.S. (Current Awareness Service) is available to Students and staff.
– Reference service is available for the students and staff.
The eligible students will be given a book bank application form after the fulfillment of the necessary formality; books will be issued to the students for a semester. A notification about the book bank facility is displayed on the library notice board as well as other notice boards of the institute.
Only 05 meritorious students of the respective classes will avail this facility.
– Books are issued depending upon the availability of books.
– Students who are availing the said facility must ensure that they have to return the books within two days of the completion of their final examination of the respective semester.
– If any student loses/damages/disfigures the given book, he/she shall replace the Volume(s) with a new book or has to pay the double cost of the book plus fine, if any, as directed by the authority.
Admission 2024-25 open for Diploma - Civil/Computer/Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical Engineering